❄ Winter Update! P2. 2
update!!SStreltiziaNEW Moderation commandUPDATED Twitch notifications have been redesigned.UPDATED League embeds have been enhanced.Feedback | Suggestions | Issue Reports are always welcome!!!
❄ 2024 Snow Update
❄ 2024 Snow Update
❄ Howdy there!!!
- We brought back the snowball fight commands!!! Use /snowball pack and /snowball throw
- Santa is going to start tracking if you are naughty or nice with the help from the mods. Moderators now have permissions to /warn a user.
⚙QoL Updates
- There has been an adjustment to all embeds. All embeds should be the same width now. There are a few exceptions, but most are the same width now.
- /twitch notifications now have a cooler look to them!
- You will now see the stream category image in the notification.
- When the stream ends the notification will switch to a "Stream was live" message.
- OMG I almost forgot. The League commands... They now show the icons for all the items in a build.
Always more to come.
- Strx Devs
- Date
- 12/7/2024